Unit Testing

Source: Eric Elliott: 5 Questions Every Unit Test Must Answer - How to Write Better Tests

Why Test?

The secret weapon to application success

  1. Design aid: Writing tests first gives you a clearer perspective on the ideal API design.

  2. Feature documentation (for developers): Test descriptions enshrine in code every implemented feature requirement.

  3. Test your developer understanding: Does the developer understand the problem enough to articulate in code all critical component requirements?

  4. Quality Assurance: Manual QA is error prone. In my experience, it’s impossible for a developer to remember all features that need testing after making a change to refactor, add new features, or remove features.

  5. Continuous Delivery Aid: Automated QA affords the opportunity to automatically prevent broken builds from being deployed to production.

The Science of TDD

The evidence says:

  • TDD can reduce bug density.

  • TDD can encourage more modular designs (enhancing software agility/team velocity).

  • TDD can reduce code complexity.

Says science: There is significant empirical evidence that TDD works*.

Write Tests First

Before you implement, write the test.

What's Good Unit Test

How unit tests are used

  • Design aid: written during design phase, prior to implementation.

  • Feature documentation & test of developer understanding: The test should provide a clear description of the feature being tested.

  • QA/Continuous Delivery: The tests should halt the delivery pipeline on failure and produce a good bug report when they fail.

Unit Test as a Bug Report

A failing test should read like a high-quality bug report.

What’s in a good test failure bug report?

  • What were you testing?

  • What should it do?

  • What was the output (actual behavior)?

  • What was the expected output (expected behavior)?

Equal is your new default assertion. It is the staple of every good test suite.

Five Questions to Ask for Unit Test

  • What are you testing?

  • What should it do?

  • What is the actual output?

  • What is the expected output?

  • How can the test be reproduced?


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