Design Twitter

Social network service


User stories, requirements of the system

  • Post tweets

  • Follow other people

  • Favorite tweets

  • Timeline consisting of top tweets from people the user follows

  • Tweets can contain photos and videos.

Extended Requirements

  1. Searching for tweets.

  2. Replying to a tweet.

  3. Trending topics – current hot topics/searches.

  4. Tagging other users.

  5. Tweet Notification.

  6. Who to follow? Suggestions?

  7. Moments.

Capacity Estimation

Estimate: 200 Million DAU

Tweets View (Read): 200M users * 100 tweets ~ 20B per day

Storage (Write):

  • New Tweets (Text): 100M tweets * (280 + 30 ) bytes per tweets ~ 30GB per day

  • Multi-media (Photos, Videos): (100M / 5 photos * 200KB) + (100M/10 videos * 2MB) ~= 24TB per day


System APIs

tweet(api_dev_key, tweet_data, tweet_location, user_location, media_ids)


api_dev_key (string): The API developer key of a registered account. This will be used to, among other things, throttle users based on their allocated quota.

tweet_data (string): The text of the tweet, typically up to 140 characters.

tweet_location (string): Optional location (longitude, latitude) this Tweet refers to. user_location (string): Optional location (longitude, latitude) of the user adding the tweet.

media_ids (number[]): Optional list of media_ids to be associated with the Tweet. (All the media photo, video, etc. need to be uploaded separately).

Returns: (string)

A successful post will return the URL to access that tweet. Otherwise, an appropriate HTTP error is returned.

High Level System Component

Write: 100M / 86400s = 1150 tweets per second

Read: 20B / 86400s = 230K tweets per second

Read-heavy system.

This traffic will be distributed unevenly throughout the day, though, at peak time we should expect at least a few thousand write requests and around 1M read


Database Schema

PK - TweetID: int
    UserID: int
    Content: varchar(140)
    TweetLatitude: int
    TweetLongitude: int
    CreationDate: datetime
    NumFavorites: int


PK - UserID: int
    UserName: varchar(32)
    Email: varchar(32)
    Name: varchar(30)
    DataOfBirth: date
    CreationDate: datetime
    LastLogin: datetime


PK UserID1: int UserID2: int


PK TweetID: int UserID: int
    CreationDate: datetime

Data Sharding

Sharding based on UserID:

We can try storing all the data of a user on one server. While storing, we can pass the UserID to our hash function that will map the user to a database server where we will store all of the user’s tweets, favorites, follows, etc.

Issues with this approach:

  • Hot user problem - lot of queries on the server holding hot user, high load will affect performance of the service

  • Non-uniform distribution of storage - some user can end up storing a lot more tweets or having a lot more followers

  • What if one user's data can't fit in one shard? - What if we cannot store all tweets of a user on one shard?

  • Unavailability of all of the user's data on the shard - if that shard is down or higher latency if it's serving high load for specific user


To recover from these situation: repartition/redistribute our data or use consistent hashing

Sharding based on TweetID

Our hash function will map each TweetID to a random server where we will store that Tweet.


  • Solve the problem of hot users


  • In contrast to sharding by UserID, we have to query all database partitions to find tweets of a user, which can result in higher latencies

Store hot tweets in cache in front of database servers

Last updated

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