Remove Nth Node From End of List
Given a linked list, remove the n-th node from the end of list and return its head.
Given _n _will always be valid.
Follow up:
Could you do this in one pass?
Two Pass:
Intuition: Remove the (L - n + 1) th
node from the beginning in the list , where L
is the list length. This problem is easy to solve once we found list length L
In the second pass, relink the next
of (L - n)
th node to the (L - n + 2)
the node
Complexity Analysis
Time complexity :O(L)O(L).
The algorithm makes two traversal of the list, first to calculate list length L and second to find the (L−n) th node. There are 2L- n operations and time complexity isO(L).
Space complexity :O(1).
We only used constant extra space.
One Pass:
Using two pointers, which the first and second pointers are exactly separated by n
nodes apart, and maintain the constant gap between the two pointers while advancing both of them.
保持一定的距离两个相同速度的pointer,当前方的pointer p1到达末尾时,后方的pointer p2正好是我们需要删除的元素位置的左侧(i - 1)。因为这里是删除操作,因此后方的pointer做一个常规的删除下一个节点的操作即可 =。
Complexity Analysis
Time complexity :O(L).
The algorithm makes one traversal of the list of L nodes. Therefore time complexity is O(L).
Space complexity :O(1).
We only used constant extra space.
Two Pass: get length first, then iterate to the node in second pass
One Pass: Using two pointers, which first pointer is n nodes ahead of second pointer
Two Pointers - Java Preferred Implementation:
Last updated
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