Diagonal Traverse
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Given a matrix of M x N elements (M rows, N columns), return all elements of the matrix in diagonal order as shown in the below image.
The total number of elements of the given matrix will not exceed 10,000.
@fisherlei http://fisherlei.blogspot.com/2017/07/leetcode-diagonal-traverse-solution.html
在上升通道的时候, row = row -1, col = col +1
在下降通道的时候,row = row +1, col = col -1
如果 col > N, col = N-1, row = row +2;
如果 row > M, row = M-1. col = col +2;
如果row < 0, row = 0, 变换通道
如果col < 0, col = 0, 变换通道
Walk Patterns:
If out of bottom border
(row>= m) then row = m - 1; col += 2; change walk direction.
if out of right border
(col >= n) then col = n - 1; row += 2; change walk direction.
if out of top border
(row < 0) then row = 0; change walk direction.
if out of left border
(col < 0) then col = 0; change walk direction.
Otherwise, just go along with the current direction.
Intuitive Approach - 模拟移动过程