Most Common Word
Given a paragraph and a list of banned words, return the most frequent word that is not in the list of banned words. It is guaranteed there is at least one word that isn't banned, and that the answer is unique.
Words in the list of banned words are given in lowercase, and free of punctuation. Words in the paragraph are not case sensitive. The answer is in lowercase.
1 <= paragraph.length <= 1000
.1 <= banned.length <= 100
.1 <= banned[i].length <= 10
.The answer is unique, and written in lowercase (even if its occurrences in
may have uppercase symbols, and even if it is a proper noun.)paragraph
only consists of letters, spaces, or the punctuation symbols!?',;.
There are no hyphens or hyphenated words.
Words only consist of letters, never apostrophes or other punctuation symbols.
HashMap + Counter
remove all punctuations
change to lowercase
words count for each word not in banned set
return the most common word
Last updated
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