Longest Repeating Character Replacement
Given a string that consists of only uppercase English letters, you can replace any letter in the string with another letter at most k times. Find the length of a longest substring containing all repeating letters you can get after performing the above operations.
Note: Both the string's length andkwill not exceed 104.
Example 1:
Example 2:
如果遇见过Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters,这一题其实会容易理解得多。
这题的难度应该不在 340.Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters 之下,在那一题的基础之上,这一题,其实也要维护一个滑动窗口,不过移动左边慢指针的条件变得更复杂了。340需要维护大小不超过k的hashmap,保证窗口中元素的种类最多为k个,而424这题则是要保持窗口中非重复元素的个数少于等于k,以便在k次replacement操作之内能够变化这一段window成为连续的repeating letters。
end - start + 1
= size of the current window
= largest count of a single, unique character in the current window
The main equation is:end - start + 1 - maxCount
== 0, then then the window is filled with only one character
> 0, then we have characters in the window that are NOT the character that occurs the most.end-start+1-maxCount
is equal to exactly the # of characters that are NOT the character that occurs the most in that window.
We are allowed to have at most k replacements in the window, so whenend - start + 1 - maxCount > k
, then there are more characters in the window than we can replace, and we need to shrink the window.
may be invalid at some points, but this doesn't matter, because it was valid earlier in the string, and all that matters is finding the max window that occurred anywhere in the string. Additionally, it will expand _if and only if _enough repeating characters appear in the window to make it expand. So whenever it expands, it's a valid expansion.
Sliding Window - Two Pointers - (9 ms, faster than 63.21%)
O(n) time, O(k) space
Two Pointer - Another implementation by @star1993
Last updated
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