About math random, not "random question".
Shuffle a Deck of Cards - Fisher–Yates Shuffle
A de facto algorithm to shuffle an array: Fisher–Yates Shuffle
A great visualization for the algorithm: https://bost.ocks.org/mike/shuffle/
In JavaScript
In Java
Modified based on Sam Allen's implementation: https://www.dotnetperls.com/shuffle-java
Reservoir Sampling
See also: reservoir sampling
Implementation: Select K Items from A Stream of N element
Weighted Random Distribution
Discusses different ways of performing weighted random selection and compare their pros and cons such as time and space complexity.
Different approaches
One of the easiest solutions is to simply expand our array/list so that each entry in it appears as many times as its weight.
In-place (Unsorted)
In-place (sorted)
Pre-calculate accumulated sums of the weights for each element, and then use binary search to find where in the range that the random number belongs to, thus returning the corresponding element.
See Random Pick with Weight from LeetCode.
If you need
speedy selections
Use expanded if the number of items in your set is low, and your weights are not very high.
Use pre-calculated if your set has lots of numbers and/or your weights are high.
If you need
speedy updates
Use in-place (unsorted) for the fastest updates.
Use in-place (sorted) for somewhat slower updates and somewhat faster selections.
If you need
low memory usage
Don’t use expanded.
If you need
Use expanded or in-place (unsorted).
Last updated
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