1. Use two pointers: start and end to represent a window.
2. Move end to find a valid window.
3. When a valid window is found, move start to find a smaller window.
publicclassSolution { /** * @param source: A string * @param target: A string * @return: A string denote the minimum window * Return "" if there is no such a string */publicStringminWindow(String source,String target) {if (source ==null||source.length() ==0|| target ==null||target.length() ==0) {return""; }int[] sourceHash =newint[256];int[] targetHash =newint[256];int ans =Integer.MAX_VALUE;String minStr ="";initTargetHash(targetHash, target);int i =0;int j =0;for (i =0; i <source.length(); i++) {while (j <source.length() &&!isValid(sourceHash, targetHash)) { sourceHash[source.charAt(j)]++;if (j <source.length()) { j++; } else {break; } }if (isValid(sourceHash, targetHash)) {if (ans > j - i) { ans =Math.min(ans, j - i); minStr =source.substring(i, j); } } sourceHash[source.charAt(i)]--; }return minStr; }booleanisValid(int[] sourceHash,int[] targetHash) {for (int i =0; i <sourceHash.length; i++) {if (targetHash[i] > sourceHash[i]) {returnfalse; } }returntrue; }publicvoidinitTargetHash(int[] targetHash,String target) {for (int i =0; i <target.length(); i++) { targetHash[target.charAt(i)]++; } }}